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SHC-NM Welcomes Karen Anderson as Director of Asset and Property Management
December 21, 2015

Supportive Housing Coalition of New Mexico is pleased to welcome Karen Anderson as its Director of Asset and Property Management. Ms. Anderson has vast experience in affordable housing programs. A former realtor from California, she has also worked at housing authorities in public housing and Section 8 as a housing manager and Housing Quality Standards inspector. Since relocating to New Mexico, Ms. Anderson oversaw the day-to-day property management functions for a non-profit organization in Albuquerque. Most recently, she was employed by MFA where she performed quality control inspections for the NM Energy$mart Program, conducted compliance monitoring reviews of low income tax credit, HOME, RTC, and HUD subsidized properties for the Asset Management Department, and managed the Emergency Homeless Assistance Program for the Community Development Department. Ms. Anderson graduated summa cum laude from the University of New Mexico and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a minor in Communication. Ms. Anderson oversees SHC’s entire property portfolio and supervises Site Managers and Maintenance Technicians at each of our properties. She is certified as a HOME Program Specialist, Healthy Homes Specialist, and Housing Compliance Manager, and has earned the following industry designations: HCCP, NCP-E, CMH, and AHM.