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Albuquerque Philharmonic Orchestra Fall Concerts
October 29, 2015

The Supportive Housing Coalition of New Mexico is proud to be part of the the Albuquerque Philharmonic Orchestra’s Fall Concert Series. Guest conductor, Wojciech Milewski, has chosen to devote this concert to the theme of Homelessness and Hope. The issue of homelessness, explains Milewski, is “something that is of course very locally relevant, yet rarely tackled by the arts.” Please join SHC-NM along with several other homelessness organizations including New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness, Heading Home, Veterans Integration Center, and Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless in this very special event.
All APO concerts are free! Visit for more information.
Fall Concerts:
Friday, October 30, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.
St. Therese Catholic Church, 3424 Fourth Street NW
Sunday, November 1, 2015 at 3:00 p.m.
Hiland Theatre – NDI, 4800 Central Avenue SE