Latest News
Meeting Our Mission
March 27, 2020

During this COVID-19 crisis, SHC is considered an “essential organization” to keep people housed and avoid a return to homelessness. So, we are doing just that. These past few weeks have tested our adaptability, our creativity, our patience. How do we get and keep people housed while keeping everyone safe? How do we take care of our program participants and our staff? People are scared, confused by an overabundance of information and misinformation, and tensions can run high.
Life goes on and we are still operational. It has been a strain on our employees, many of whom are needing to protect themselves and their own families. These employees are working with landlords, inspecting their housing, assessing their needs for services, making referrals and connecting them to resources, keeping appointments when needed, and working remotely when appropriate. We are learning how to telecommute while still paying bills, applying for grants, tracking data, planning for our future, and problem solving on a daily basis. We are not moving forward on any evictions, working with people who have lost their income, delivering bus passes and connecting people with resources to meet basic needs such as food and healthcare. We are providing some cleaning products and paper goods – but those are in short supply and dwindling and we have to triage those who are to receive them.
We simply don’t have enough. We need your help.
So it is you, our supporters, who are essential. You are essential to the people who would otherwise be living unsheltered and exposed to myriad risks associated with COVID-19. Consider the standard COVID-19 advice. Put distance between yourself and others. Wash your hands often. Stay home. With an apartment or house of one’s own, those directives are relatively easy to follow; otherwise, it’s exceedingly difficult. Without housing, people are unable to care for their basic needs like hygiene, food, and medical care. Even the people we do house have very low incomes. Their health has been compromised by living on the streets, or in their cars, or other places not fit for human habitation. Access to reliable information is extremely limited.
Many of us are fortunate to still be working, have a roof over our head, food, and, if we’re really lucky, a stash of toilet paper. We are asking that you consider a donation to help us keep doing the work we have been tasked to do: keep people housed. We need supplies, we need donations to keep us going.
We need you to share this message. Please see the list below for supplies. And please consider us during this extraordinary time for a monetary gift. DONATE HERE