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My Love Story
December 21, 2015

My Love Story
by Anna
Surrender into the memory
of what once was,
and could no longer be….
You sit in the shadow of sorrow,
seeking, searching for the magic
that will make the pain
go away….
Behold, you will sit in the
radiant arms of the Son, without
sorrow no longer, searching for
the magic that will make the pain
go away…..
ready to love,
to smile,
to sing,
to give
to heal again
and you will have stopped
asking why—
This winter of your life
will pass
as all seasons do….
It will take
as long as it takes….
Remember how deserving
you are
of gentleness, kindness, lovingness
and givingness
No one ever said it was easy
to let go, let be, let life do
what it is supposed to do.
When you live fully, your vulnerability
takes you….
through the shadows of winter
where you feel you may never see the
sun again….
For the invisible glory of spirit
will be your greatest power…
with which to heal…