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Housing Providers: A Message from our friends at NMCEH
June 9, 2020

Hello all,
From June 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020, the Albuquerque Housing Authority is accepting pre-applications for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. Being that the Housing Authority now operates a lottery system, it does not matter when you apply as long as the application is submitted between June 1 and June 30, 2020.
There is a preference in place for those currently being served by supportive housing programs. The first 125 households pulled from the lottery drawing will be from this preference. We strongly encourage all programs to work with their clients to understand the importance and significance of applying for the Section 8 lottery and support the clients in completing the application and keeping their application number. Moving persons from community-based housing programs who are ready to enter a program that provides fewer supports to Section 8 housing will open up vouchers for us to house new persons in need.
AHA provided us with the questionnaire that is used when they are not familiar with the program noted by the applicant. These are the questions they ask to establish whether or not the program fits the requirements for the person to be a part of the preference. View the Questionnaire here
Applications can only be submitted online through this link: AHA Section 8 HCV Application. For those who were not selected last year, a new application must be submitted every year.
If you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact the AHA office at 505-764-3290 or e-mail If someone requires reasonable accommodation, or other special assistance, please call 505-764-3953 or e-mail