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LDS Women Create Welcome Home Baskets at Annual Conference
January 27, 2020

Each January, the Albuquerque Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints holds a Women’s Conference attended by nearly 200 women and includes a service opportunity. Christy Burton, Service Coordinator, found the Welcome Home Basket project on, a service project website. and thought this hands-on project was perfect for their group. She organized the donation process a month prior to the event and had each woman sign up to make sure that they had enough items for several baskets. The women were amazingly generous and they completed 21 baskets that day! They also colored framed word art with phrases like “Welcome Home” and “It’s So Good to Be Home” to include as a welcome gift for SHC’s newly housed participants. “We hope the baskets and pictures give the recipients a feeling of hope and a great start in their new home,” says Christy. For more information on the Welcome Home Basket Project, please visit