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New Housing Program to End Homelessness for 45 Individuals and Families
October 15, 2018

SHC is proud to announce the implementation of a new housing program, Casita Bonita. The program is a U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) funded program that will provide tenant-based rental assistance to 45 individuals and families with a behavioral health disability who are experiencing chronic homelessness.
SHC’s Community Housing program will accept referrals for the program from the Coordinated Entry System (CES), a system managed by the New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness that helps connect people experiencing homelessness to supportive housing programs. SHC Housing Specialists then conduct eligibility screenings, enroll eligible participants, provide rental assistance vouchers, and coordinate apartment search assistance to successfully house those identified as eligible for rental assistance.
SHC will also provide a Service Coordinator for the purpose of coordinating ongoing supportive services for tenants enrolled in Casita Bonita including needs assessment, home visits, monthly meetings, application assistance for mainstream benefits, referrals for mental health and/or substance abuse counseling, and referrals to community partners for specialized services. A grant from the Albuquerque Community Foundation Health and Human Services provided matching funds for service coordination programming.
Matching funds for the program also come from First Nations Community Healthsource, who has partnered with SHC to provide donated case management, public health nursing, medical, behavioral health, dental, and social support services for the program.