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Point-In-Time Count results for homelessness tell ABQ their job isn’t done
February 5, 2018

The 2017 numbers for the PIT count are in and speak for themselves. The report shows an increase in homelessness from the 2105 count, reporting 1,318 people who were experiencing homelessness on the night of the count. These numbers encompass people who are experiencing chronic homelessness (homeless for a year or more) and homelessness overnight. Additionally, a special effort was made to learn more about unaccompanied youth experiencing homelessness. People interviewed reported not being able to get into a shelter or some type of transitional housing program at all. With a reported increase in chronic homelessness and as #6 in the nation for homeless youth, the time to address this problem is now. Homelessness is no longer a small issue facing Albuquerque. Investing in homelessness prevention and housing assistance is not only an investment in our city but in the lives of those children who need it most. See the report HERE.