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Documentation requests
December 21, 2023

For any program participants involved with SHCNM, we’d like to post our documentation policy again as a reminder it is available to all program participants.
The Supportive Housing Coalition of New Mexico oversees over 20 programs across the state. Program participants have the right to request information in their file at any time. SHCNM will provide the material as soon as possible, no later than 30 calendar days after receipt of the request. As per SHCNM’s policies on confidentiality align with HIPAA, fee’s may be applicable if request requires excessive materials and labor, in accordance with 45 CFR 164.524 (c)(4). SHCNM also reserves the right to redact information that may result in a violation of its confidentiality policies. Additionally, any program participant can request a copy of SHCNM’s funder-approved documentation, forms, and program policies and procedures.
For any documentation requests, participants can contact SHCNM at to start the request process.
Thank you.