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SHC-NM Executive Director Receives Certification from NDC
October 29, 2013

On August 16, 2013, SHC-NM Executive Director Paula Harper received certification as a Housing Development Finance Professsional (HDFP) from the National Development Council (NDC). HDFP Certification is a professional credential given to individuals who success complete NDC’s intensive housing development finance training series. The training provides individuals working in the field of housing development with instruction in single-family home ownership finance, multi-family housing development finance, housing development finance including problem solving and deal structuring, and the creation and implementation of development programs.
The National Development Council was established in 1969 and is a non-profit organization specializing in economic and housing development training and technical assistance for community development. NDC has provided training to over 60,000 professionals working in the fields of economic and housing development. Participants come from diverse backgrounds including city and state governments, public agencies, community-based organizations, professional organizations and banks.
Paula Harper has over twenty years of experience in community development, program management, affordable housing planning, and development with an emphasis on the needs of special populations. For the past twelve years, Ms. Harper has served as a Technical Assistance Provider to the Albuquerque and Forth Worth HUD field offices.